A Tale of Two Arthurs is an impressionistic chronicle of two very different men: Jack Arthur Johnson, the black American boxer, and Arthur Cravan, the white French poet and provocateur. These two men fought an improbable boxing match in Barcelona in 1916 which acts as the pivot point of this double-portrait which is also a kind of mirror: for despite their differences they were both fiercely independent individuals who in their own ways defied the mores of their time with a mixture of bravado, intelligence, and brute strength. Accompanying both men on their journeys is a celebrity chimpanzee named Consul who serves as the uniting thread — as well as the unlikely narrator — of this adventurous and ambitious comic. by Antico Nine. Ilustrator: Grégoire Carlé.
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Sunday, November 29, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020
Garfield (European release)
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
The Aviator
1917, East Africa. A German pastor - also a doctor, and married to a Frenchwoman - teaches his son Josef to fly the Albatros biplane he uses to visit his rural patients. But the war raging in Europe has spread to Africa, where the Allies are fighting the Germans in their various colonies. Against this backdrop - and strictly against his father's wishes - Josef dreams of flying the nest, and makes a decision that will have terrible consequences... Written by Jean-Charles Kraehn. Art by Erik Arnoux, Chrys Millien.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Swan Song
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Soon Book
2150. The world has changed significantly. Damage caused by climate change and the resurgence of certain deadly diseases have drastically reduced the world's population. Nature has taken back control and the survivors are spread out over different urban zones. Simone, 50, is an astronaut who has been in training for a controversial one-way space mission. Simone will have to leave her son Youri forever. Before they say goodbye, Simone asks Youri to travel with her to the seven urban zones.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Kansas, 1861. As tensions rise between the Northern and Southern states, a fanatical, violent preacher leaves a trail of corpses behind him, all the while calling people to take up arms against pro-slavery states. Close on his tail is a lone rider with a strange gift: he can read the past and future of those he touches. In the small town of Holton, a showdown is brewing, but things aren't quite as they seem...