The Famous Five is the name of a series of children's books written by Enid Blyton. The first book, Five on a Treasure Island, was published in 1942. The Famous Five are a group of children who have the sort of adventures most kids dream about, in a world where ginger beer flows and ham rolls are a staple diet. Julian, Dick and Anne get together with their cousin George in the first adventure, Five On A Treasure Island. This comic is based from Claude Voilier's version.
George is actually a girl who wants so desperately to be a boy she crops her hair and struts about doing boy things. She hates it when people call her by her correct name, Georgina. She has a dog called Timmy—oh yes, and an island. Most kids just have a dog, but George's parents own Kirrin Island and let her run around on it as if it were her play-thing. Her parents are known to Julian, Dick and Anne as Uncle Quentin and Aunt Fanny.
Enid Blyton Five And The Inca God.cbr | 22.2MB | LINK:
Enid Blyton Five and the Tresaure of the Templar.cbr | 51.2MB | LINK:
enid blyton's famous five - go down to the sea.cbz | 9.85MB | LINK: -TBA-
enid blyton's famous five - go off to camp.cbz | 12.69MB | LINK:
enid blyton's adventure magazine 005.cbz | 7.93MB | LINK:
enid blyton's adventure magazine 008.cbz | 8.13MB | LINK:
enid blyton's adventure magazine 009.cbz | 8.28MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T01 - Le trésor du galion d'or.cbr | 86,84 MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T02 - Le Dieu Inca.cbr | 72,39 MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T03 - Le secret des Templiers.cbr | 62,37 MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T04 - Le cimetiere des geants.cbr | 72,93 MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T05 - Le castel du baron de fer.cbr | 68,29 MB | LINK:
Le Club des Cinq - T06 - Le gouffre du diable.cbr | 71,90 MB | LINK:
Pls update the links of english version
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ReplyDeleteFrench links all dead.. please reupload. thanks
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ReplyDeleteIs there any idea when "enid blyton's famous five - go down to the sea.cbz" will be available? :D
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