Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Famous Five

The Famous Five is the name of a series of children's books written by Enid Blyton. The first book, Five on a Treasure Island, was published in 1942. The Famous Five are a group of children who have the sort of adventures most kids dream about, in a world where ginger beer flows and ham rolls are a staple diet. Julian, Dick and Anne get together with their cousin George in the first adventure, Five On A Treasure Island. This comic is based from Claude Voilier's version.
George is actually a girl who wants so desperately to be a boy she crops her hair and struts about doing boy things. She hates it when people call her by her correct name, Georgina. She has a dog called Timmy—oh yes, and an island. Most kids just have a dog, but George's parents own Kirrin Island and let her run around on it as if it were her play-thing. Her parents are known to Julian, Dick and Anne as Uncle Quentin and Aunt Fanny.


Enid Blyton Five And The Inca God.cbr | 22.2MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/bwGmdp
Enid Blyton Five and the Tresaure of the Templar.cbr | 51.2MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/N6pko2g
enid blyton's famous five - go down to the sea.cbz | 9.85MB | LINK: -TBA-
enid blyton's famous five - go off to camp.cbz | 12.69MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/7NN5HzU
enid blyton's adventure magazine 005.cbz | 7.93MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/KDsvhT
enid blyton's adventure magazine 008.cbz | 8.13MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/yRaQly
enid blyton's adventure magazine 009.cbz | 8.28MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/4BZzPx


Le Club des Cinq - T01 - Le trĂ©sor du galion d'or.cbr | 86,84 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/RMQ8vO
Le Club des Cinq - T02 - Le Dieu Inca.cbr | 72,39 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/oVEMmx
Le Club des Cinq - T03 - Le secret des Templiers.cbr | 62,37 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/5pda04
Le Club des Cinq - T04 - Le cimetiere des geants.cbr | 72,93 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/2gdOQE
Le Club des Cinq - T05 - Le castel du baron de fer.cbr | 68,29 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/QNWpfUR
Le Club des Cinq - T06 - Le gouffre du diable.cbr | 71,90 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/jHJkfax


  1. Pls update the links of english version

  2. Try brave browser to download in Android phones. It has less cookies.

  3. French links all dead.. please reupload. thanks

  4. All ENG & FRA links updated.

  5. Is there any idea when "enid blyton's famous five - go down to the sea.cbz" will be available? :D

  6. The first 2 Mega links are dead

  7. Please update the English links
