Le Petit Spirou (Little Spirou) is a popular Belgian comic strip created by Tome and Janry in 1987. The series developed from La jeunesse de Spirou (1987), a Spirou et Fantasio album in which Tome and Janry (at the time the authors of the series) set to imagine Spirou's youth. It was developed into a spin-off series shortly afterwards and the authors have focused on it ever since the controversy created after their final Spirou et Fantasio album, Machine qui rêve (1998). New albums are among the bestselling French-language comics, with 330,000 copies for the latest one.
In addition to continuing to develop the character in the spirit of previous Spirou et Fantasio author Franquin, in this series Tome and Janry paid homage to Franquin's manner of animating the gag's signature.
This series details the antics of the character as an elementary schoolboy. A lot of the gags center around the character's interest in the opposite sex, most notably he and his pals coming up with ways of spying on the girls' showers and dressing room. Other topics concern religion and the contradictions and absurdities of the adult world. It is generally acknowledged that, psychologically speaking, the character in Le Petit Spirou has little in common with the clean-cut adult he will become.
Little Spirou 01-Say Hello to the Nice Lady data9724-DCP Alice.cbr | 44.12MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIwVb
Little Spirou 02 - Digging for Gold (data9724-DCP & Alice).cbr | 38.99MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIw4yFRA
Petit Spirou - FR0001 - Dis Bonjour A La Dame!.pdf | 12.7MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIeud
Petit Spirou - FR0002 - Tu Veus Mon Doigt.pdf | 11.6MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIeoE
Petit Spirou - FR0003 - Mais Qu'Est Ce Que Tu Fabriques.pdf | 12.0MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIepH
Petit Spirou - FR0004 - C'Est Pour Ton Bien.pdf | 12.0MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIea8
Petit Spirou - FR0005 - Merci Qui.pdf | 12.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIedf
Petit Spirou - FR0006 - N'Oublie Pas Ta Capuche!.pdf | 26.1MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIefQ
Petit Spirou - FR0007 - Demande A Ton Père.pdf | 15.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIegD
Petit Spirou - FR0008 - T'As Qu'a T'Retenir.pdf | 12.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIejg
Petit Spirou - FR0009 - C'Est Pas De Ton Age.pdf | 16.7MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIekC
Petit Spirou - FR0010 - Tu Comprendras Quand Tu S'Ras Grand!.pdf | 16.3MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIel3
Petit Spirou - FR0011 - Tu Ne S'Ras Jamais Grand.pdf | 20.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIex8
BDFR - LE PETIT SPIROU - 12 - C'Est Du Joli!.pdf | 25.0MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIevO
Petit Spirou - FR0013 - Fais de beaux rêves.pdf | 24.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIenp
Petit Spirou - FR0014 - Bien fait pour toi.pdf | 26.1MB | LINK: http://sh.st/bIemB
Le Petit Spirou, tome 17 : Tout le monde te regarde !.rar | 104 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nxTnY
El pequeno Spirou 1 - iDi hola a la senora!.cbr | 7.0 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvleR
El pequeno Spirou 2 - iTe ayudo con mi dedo!.cbr | 7.3 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvljA
El pequeno Spirou 3 - Jugando a medicos y enfermeras.cbr | 6.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlv8
El pequeno Spirou 4 - iEs por tu bien, carino!.cbr | 6.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlYY
El pequeno Spirou 5 - 'Gracias', de que!.cbr | 7.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlFy
El pequeno Spirou 6 - iNo olvides tu capucha!.cbr | 15.3 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlLq
El pequeno Spirou 7 - iPreguntale a tu padre!.cbr | 18.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlNI
El pequeno Spirou 8 - Tienes que aguantarte.cbr | 43.2 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQve
El pequeno Spirou 9 - iEsto no es para tu edad!.cbr | 43.2 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQQ8
El pequeno Spirou 10 - Lo comprenderas icuando seas mayor!.cbr | 58.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQUk
El pequeno Spirou 11 - iTas no seras jamas mayor!.cbr | 18.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQHL
Der kleine Spirou - Band 2 - Bleib auf dem Teppich, Spirou!.cbr | 47.26 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mwiAE
Le Petit Spirou, tome 17 : Tout le monde te regarde !.rar | 104 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nxTnY
El Pequeño Spirou #3, #13 y Mi super abuelo.rar | 103.8 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mqthqEl pequeno Spirou 1 - iDi hola a la senora!.cbr | 7.0 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvleR
El pequeno Spirou 2 - iTe ayudo con mi dedo!.cbr | 7.3 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvljA
El pequeno Spirou 3 - Jugando a medicos y enfermeras.cbr | 6.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlv8
El pequeno Spirou 4 - iEs por tu bien, carino!.cbr | 6.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlYY
El pequeno Spirou 5 - 'Gracias', de que!.cbr | 7.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlFy
El pequeno Spirou 6 - iNo olvides tu capucha!.cbr | 15.3 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlLq
El pequeno Spirou 7 - iPreguntale a tu padre!.cbr | 18.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvlNI
El pequeno Spirou 8 - Tienes que aguantarte.cbr | 43.2 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQve
El pequeno Spirou 9 - iEsto no es para tu edad!.cbr | 43.2 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQQ8
El pequeno Spirou 10 - Lo comprenderas icuando seas mayor!.cbr | 58.1 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQUk
El pequeno Spirou 11 - iTas no seras jamas mayor!.cbr | 18.9 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mvQHL
Der kleine Spirou - Band 1 - … und setz deine Mütze auf!.cbr | 46.72 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mwoeCDer kleine Spirou - Band 2 - Bleib auf dem Teppich, Spirou!.cbr | 47.26 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/mwiAE
El Pequeño Spirou #3, #13 y Mi super abuelo.rar | 103.8 MB is dead due to inactivity.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the rest of the shares! :)
Hi,thx fyi,the link has been fixed :)
DeleteI think the links are down. :(
ReplyDeleteHi any chance to reupload ?
ReplyDeleteBy any chance you can post all of the comics in English? I'd love to read them all that way.