Friday, October 23, 2015


Yakari is a Franco-Belgian comic book series, aimed at a younger audience, written by Job and illustrated by Derib, both from Switzerland.
Yakari has (on two occasions, 1983 and 2005) been adapted to a cartoon series on television, a movie was announced. Yakari is one of the most well-known Franco-Belgian comics in Europe.
Yakari is a young Sioux Native American who has the particularity to be able to understand and speak animal languages. During his adventures, he meets all sorts of North American animals. His best friends are a girl Sioux, "Rainbow", and his pony "Little Thunder". He has a totem animal, "Great Eagle", who frequently appears to him to give him critical advice.
The setting is the North American Great Plains, mainly. Horses have already been introduced by the Spanish, but there is no mentioning of white man whatsoever in the series. (In one book, there's even a mention by an old tribesman that there's a mystery how the horse came to the land, and that it hasn't always been there.) It can therefore be assumed that Yakari's adventures take place after the 15th century, but long before the settling rush in the late 18th/19th century.
The comic shows a very positive view of the culture of the Sioux and depicts them as peaceful people who live in harmony with nature.


Yakari - EN0001 - Yakari and Great Eagle.cbr | 65.7MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0002 - Yakari and The White Buffalo.cbr | 65.9MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0003 - Yakari and The Beavers.cbr | 70.7MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0004 - Yakari and The Grizzly.cbr | 56.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0005 - Yakari and the Stranger.cbr | 64.6MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0006 - Yakari in the Land of Wolves.cbr | 66.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0007 - The Island Prisoners.cbr | 79.0MB | LINK:
Yakari - EN0008 - Yakari and the White Fleece.cbr | 67.7MB | LINK:
Yakari Vol 09 - Yakari and the Coyote (2011) (Digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 33.6MB | LINK:
Yakari Vol 10 - The River of Forgetfulness (2011) (Digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 34.82MB | LINK:
Yakari Vol 11 - Yakari and Nanabozho (2013) (Digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr
 | 31.50MB | LINK:
Yakari 012 - Little Thunder's Secret (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 31.48MB | LINK:
Yakari 013 - The Great Burrow (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 48.80MB | LINK:
Yakari 14 - Lords of the Plains (2016) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 67.01MB | LINK:
Yakari 15 - The First Gallop (2017) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 69.11MB | LINK:
Yakari 16 - The Lake Monster (2019) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 66.2 MB | LINK:
Yakari 017 - The Snow Bird (2019) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 61.72 MB | LINK:
Yakari 18 - The Wall of Fire (Cinebook 2020) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 39.81 MB | LINK:
Yakari 19 - The Devil of the Woods (Cinebook 2021) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 36.02 MB | LINK:
 Yakari 20 - The Cloud Maker (Cinebook 2023) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 36.48 MB | LINK:


Yakari - FR0001 - Yakari.cbz | 12.3MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0002 - Yakari et le bison blanc.cbz | 12.0MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0003 - Yakari chez les castors.cbz | 14MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0004 - Et Nanabozo.cbr | 12.3MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0005 - Yakari et le grizzly.cbz | 13.3MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0006 - Le secret de Petit Tonnerre.cbr | 20.6MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0007 - Yakari et l'étranger.cbz | 14.0MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0008 - Au pays des loups.cbz | 10.8MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0009 - Les prisonniers de l'île.cbz | 16.3MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0010 - Le grand terrier.cbr | 19.1MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0011 - Yakari et la toison blanche.cbz | 13.2MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0012 - Yakari et le coyote.cbr | 20.8MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0013 - Le seigneur des plaines.cbr | 15.1MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0014 - Le Vol des Corbeaux.cbr | 14.8MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0015 - La riviore de l'oubli.cbr | 19.9MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0016 - Le premier galop.cbr | 13.2MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0017 - Le monstre du lac.cbr | 17.0MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0018 - L'oiseau de neige.cbr | 20.6MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0019 - La barriere de feu.cbr | 21.4MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0020 - Le diable des bois.cbr | 18.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0021 - Le souffleur de nuages.cbz | 19.8MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0022 - La fureur du ciel.cbr | 20.2MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0023 - Et les cornes fourchues.cbr | 20.9MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0024 - L'ours fantome.cbr | 24.1MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0025 - Le mystore de la falaise.cbr | 22.4MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0026 - La vengeance du Carcajou.cbr | 21.8MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0027 - Et Longues Oreilles.cbr | 12.4MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0028 - Le chene qui parlait.cbr | 12.9MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0029 - Le reveil du geant.cbr | 19.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0030 - Le marcheur de nuit.cbr | 11.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0031 - Et les Appaloosas.cbr | 15.9MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0032 - Les griffes de l'ours.cbr | 31.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0033 - Le marais de la peur.cbr | 93.5MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0034 - Le retour du Lapin Magicien.cbr | 77.0MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0035 - L escapade de l Ourson.cbr | 76.7MB | LINK:
Yakari - FR0036 - Le Lezard de l Ombre.cbr | 49.1MB | LINK:


YAKARI 01 - Yakari i Gran Àliga · Yakari i el Bisó Blanc.cbz | 41.2 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 02 - Yakari i els Castors · Yakari i Nannabós.cbz | 35.8 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 03 - Yakari i el Grizzly · El secret de Fill del Tro.cbz | 35.4 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 04 - Yakari i l'estranger · Yakari al país dels llops.cbz | 36.0 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 05 - Els presoners de l'illa · El gran cau.cbz | 35.7 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 06 - Yakari i la cabra blanca · Yakari i el coiot.cbz | 35.3 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 07 - El senyor de les planes · El vol dels corbs.cbz | 36.5 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 08 - El riu de l'oblit · El primer galop.cbz | 44.6 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 09 - El monstre del llac · L'ocell de neu.cbz | 43.0 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 10 - La barrera de foc · El diable dels boscos.cbz | 43.9 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 11 - El bufador de núvols · El furor del cel.cbz | 42.4 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 12 - Les banyes ramificades · L'ós fantasma.cbz | 44.2 MB | LINK:
Yakari 5 - Y Grizzly (1979).cbr | 50.45 MB | LINK:
Yakari: La Barrera de Foc. El Diable dels Boscos (Tomo 10) y El Bufador de Núvols. El Furor del Cel (Tomo 11).rar | 151.82 MB | LINK:
Yakari: El misteri del penya-segat. La venjança del golut (tomo 13).cbr | 85.7 MB | LINK:
YAKARI 13 - El Misteri del Penya-segat - La Venjanca del Golut.cbr | 17.9 MB | LINK:


  1. thanks for yakari comics.i am really searching for that.keep going

  2. Glad to see Yakari over here. It was only recently that I came to know about Yakari....and its interesting. And i think its time for an update....issue 12 and 13 (english) have already been released as LITTLE THUNDER'S SECRET and THE GREAT BURROW.

    1. Hi, thx fyi, we've update the links except issue 13, we will update the list again as soon as it scan come out :)

    2. Hi, Issue 13 added! Cheers :)

  3. Hi there,
    Unfortunately, Yakari English links aren't work.
    Is it possible to fix them?

  4. Please update the Yakari English links.

  5. English links dowloand corrupted files, sorry

  6. Sorry, only files 1 to 4. After downloading them I can´t open them. The rest are fine... Sorry and thanks

    1. Hi.Thx FYI. We've fixed files 1 to 4. Pls check :)

  7. File YAKARI 13 - El Misteri del Penya-segat - La Venjanca del Golut.cbr | 17.9 MB | LINK: is corrupted after I've downloaded it! Please check and repost. Thank you very much for your nice works!

  8. hi, can you please update all french links? Thanks in advance :D

  9. 22 broken again .thanks

  10. FRA #22 link fixed again.

  11. Hi! Will you update ENG Yakari books #11..19 links please?

  12. ENG links Vol.11-19 fixed.

  13. A lot of the English links are broken any way to fix them? or does anyone know where to get a torrent of all of them? THX in advance!

  14. Can you get T01-03, 05, 07-09, 11, 37-42 FRA please?

  15. All FRA links updated.

  16. Many thanks! Somehow T10 FRA appears to be corrupted. Could you please reupload it ?

  17. FRA vol.10 and vol.22 links updated.

  18. Great to have Yakari books! I look forward to download English volumes from 21 to 36, since this is how far the French versions are listed. When will that be? -Many thanks!
