The Worlds of Aldebaran (French: Les Mondes d'Aldébaran) is a French science-fiction comic series written and illustrated by Léo and published by Dargaud in French and Cinebook in English. The Aldebaran saga is divided into 3 cycles: Aldebaran and its sequels Betelgeuse and Antares. Each cycle is composed of some five albums, and each corresponds to a different planet. Although it is possible to read the cycles separately, they are chronological to form a coherent whole. Each cycle (and thus planet) introduces new secondary characters, although the central heroes of the story remain constant. In 2011 we saw the release of a new volume, Survivors (French: Survivants), which will introduce a new set of characters and take place concurrently with Antares.
During the early days of the colonisation of Aldebaran, the second colony ship is lost in transit with all hands, prompting Earth to abandon the project and strand the first wave of colonists. And yet, not everyone perished with the ship. A small group of survivors find themselves on a shuttle, headed towards an unexplored planet. Faced with the dangers of their new home as well as dissensions within the group, they soon discover they may not be alone…
The Survivors - Episode 02 (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 34.50MB | LINK:
The Survivors - Episode 03 (2016) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 34.84MB | LINK:
The Survivors 04 (2017) (Digital) (Cinebook).cbr | 46.41MB | LINK:

Survivants - Tome 01 - Episode 1.pdf | 50.3MB | LINK:
Survivants - Tome 02 - Episode 2.pdf | 90.0MB | LINK:
Survivants - Tome 03.cbr | 109.59 MB | LINK:
Survivants - Tome 02 - Episode 2.pdf | 90.0MB | LINK:
Survivants - Tome 04.cbr | 41.68 MB | LINK:
Survivants - Tome 05.cbr | 102,91 MB | LINK:
Episode 3 in English? please
Hi, currently we don't have it yet, but as soon as the scanlations come out, we'll update the list. Cheers :)
Episode 3 updated! :)
Thank you very much, that was a great read.
Can't wait for new one to get out, I'll guess I have to learn french by that time ;)
What about espisode 4?! We want to know what happened! MANTRIS
Hi, currently we don't have it yet, in fact the official version of cinebook also not released yet, but as soon as the scanlations come out, we'll update the list. Cheers :)
FR Tome 05 is out since march. any avalability ?
Hi. Survivant Tome 05 has been added now :)
hey, where is episode 4 in english???
Episode 5 of The Survivors in English please. Much oblied.
The Survivors - Episode 01 link dead
and The Survivors 05
Hi. All links fixed.
Hi. Link 5 added.
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