The Phantom is an intermediate character between Tarzan, created before him, and Batman, created after. He is the first to wear a vigilante superhero tight dress and a mask that hides his eyes. The character also appears in The Defenders of the Earth (animation series 1980-1990) in which the hero teamed with Mandrake the Magician, Lothar, and their children and disciples.
The series will be published in France in the newspaper L'Aurore, and in small format. In French editions, the costume of the Phantom, violet, turned red: this change occurred as a result of technical problems caused by the color purple, drooling at the Printing2, another hypothesis would be that American writers of the beginning had no colorful stories of the Ghost, which were then published in black and white, especially as Lee Falk wanted to call the Gray Ghost (color that blends better in the jungle as purple or red), and so, when the French editions have wanted to publish the Phantom, they had carte blanche to color and opted for red, while in the US, new editions have opted for purple. Publisher: Editions des Remparts / Legacy / Sun.