Monday, January 11, 2016

Wayne Shelton

Wayne Shelton is a Belgian comic series that began in June in 2001 by Jean Van Hamme as a writer and Christian Denayer as a draftsman. The series revolves around character Wayne Shelton, a Vietnam vet who treats own expense expensive, seemingly impossible tasks for money. He usually works for (former) friends also sporadically for the government, sometimes under duress. Some adventures are spread across several albums, one album others are long. He has a loose relationship with Honesty Goodness, but also often with other women to bed. Shelton is no longer the youngest, and is therefore often teased by his friends. Most stories play in the Middle East, often in fictitious countries. 

  • Wayne Shelton: a James Bond figure on age, who adventures by performing impossible tasks for money.
  • Honesty Goodness: A sexy vaudeville artist who helps Wayne in almost all albums. His steady mistress, but also goes with other men to bed. Plays like "Zhang".
  • Pierre Madrier: Wayne friend who sometimes assists.
  • Djemail Kahn : desert robber Wayne sometimes helps, sometimes against them.
  • Horace T. Quayle: Billionaire who first Wayne gives orders, then be killed by him.


Wayne Shelton 001 - The Mission (2013) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 40.09MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 002 - The Betrayal (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 43.42MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 003 - The Contract (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 52.66MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 04 - The Survivor (2016) (Digital) (Cinebook).cbr | 104.54MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 05 - The Vengeance (2017) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 80.10MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - 06 The Hostage (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 26.3 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 03 - The Contract (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 29.90MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 04 - The Survivor (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 16.92MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 05 - The Revenge (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 14.46MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 06 - The Hostage (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 26.32MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - 07 Longinus Spear.cbr | 42.4 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 08 - Night of the Eagles.cbr | 57.6 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - 09 - Her Highness Honesty (Scanlation).cbr | 110.7 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 10 - The Ransom (2011) (Scanlation).cbr | 113.1 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - 11 Hundred Million Pesos (Scanlation).cbr | 124.34MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - 12 No Return (Scanlation).cbr | 116.09 MB | LINK:
 Wayne Shelton - 13 The Vendetta (Scanlation).cbr | 46.60MB | LINK:


Wayne Shelton 01 - La Misiуn x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 21.1 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 02 - La Traiciуn x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 21.2 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 03 - El Contrato x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 19.9 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 04 - El superviviente x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 24.3 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 05 - La venganza x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 23.8 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 06 - El rehйn x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 23.5 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 07 - La lanza de Longinos x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 22.0 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 08 - La noche de las бguilas x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 34.6 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 09 - Su alteza Honesty x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 25.9 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 10 - El rescate x Cornelius [ESP].cbr | 33.2 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton 11-12.rar | 156.91 MB | LINK:


Wayne Shelton - Band 11 - Hundert Millionen Pesos.cbr | 122,16 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton - Die Nacht der Adler.cbr | 101 MB | LINK:
Wayne.Shelton.German.Comics.Cbr.part1.rar | 300 MB | LINK:
Wayne.Shelton.German.Comics.Cbr.part2.rar | 300 MB | LINK:
Wayne.Shelton.German.Comics.Cbr.part3.rar | 300 MB | LINK:
Wayne.Shelton.German.Comics.Cbr.part4.rar | 274.03 MB | LINK:


Wayne Shelton T01 - La Mission.cbz | 22 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T02 - La Trahison.cbz | 22 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T03 - Le Contrat.cbz | 26 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T04 - Le Survivant.cbz | 20 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T05 - La Vengeance.cbz | 27 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T06 - L'Otage.cbz | 29 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T07 - La Lance De Longinus.cbz | 23 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T08 - La Nuit Des Aigles.cbz | 45 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T09 - Son altesse Honesty.cbz | 36 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T10 - La Rancon.cbz | 36 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T11 - Cent millions de pesos.cbz | 22 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T12 - No return.cbz | 20 MB | LINK:
Wayne Shelton T13 - Vendetta.cbz | 21 MB | LINK:


  1. Please re-up the first two files (in German)

    Wayne Shelton - Band 11 - Hundert Millionen Pesos.cbr
    Wayne Shelton - Die Nacht der Adler.cbr


  2. Wayne Shelton 06 - The Hostage (Dragonz-S-T).cbr | 26.32MB | LINK:

    File unavailable on sendspace. Please fix.

    Thank you!

  3. Wayne Shelton 002 - The Betrayal . is missing

  4. Wayne Shelton 002 - The Betrayal
    Wayne Shelton 003 - The Contract
    both are missing please re upload

  5. Vol. 2 and 3 links fixed.

  6. thank you for vol 2&3.
    admin please upload wayne shelton 13 vendetta in english
    thanks in advance

  7. hello,

    FR links are restricted on Google drive.
    Thank you

  8. Wayne shelton 13 vendetta ENG link updated.
    All FRA links fixed.

  9. Please fix link for:

    Wayne Shelton - 06 The Hostage (Dragonz-S-T).cbr
    Wayne Shelton - 07 Longinus Spear.cbr
    Wayne Shelton 08 - Night of the Eagles.cbr
    Wayne Shelton - 09 - Her Highness Honesty (Scanlation).cbr
    Wayne Shelton 10 - The Ransom (2011) (Scanlation).cbr
    Wayne Shelton - 11 Hundred Million Pesos (Scanlation).cbr
    Wayne Shelton - 12 No Return (Scanlation).cbr
    Wayne Shelton - 13 The Vendetta (Scanlation).cbr

    Thanks! :)

  10. All above links now fixed (06-13).

  11. Hello, admin.

    Can you please refresh:

    Wayne Shelton - 13 The Vendetta (Scanlation).cbr

    for the English edition?

    Thank you very much for all the comics you share with us!

  12. Dear admin, thank you for one more time!

  13. Vol 13 English link is dead once again. Would really appreciate a re-upload. Thanks again!

  14. Those who search for Wayne Shelton - 13 The Vendetta (Scanlation).cbr | 46.60MB | english version try the below link to download
