Monday, February 8, 2016


Bobo is a Franco-Belgian comics series created by Paul Deliège and Maurice Rosy. The series features an eponymous prisoner of the jail Inzepocket ("in the pocket" with a French accent). In Dutch, the series' name is Jaap. Bobo first appeared in a mini–récit (mini-story) in Spirou magazine on May 11, 1961 In the early years, it was written by Rosy, who also took artistic responsibility during a brief period in the 1970s. Eventually, the character evolved into its own series, mostly consisting of short stories, and a few full length (i.e. 44 pages) stories. Fifteen albums appeared until the 1990s, when the series ended its run.
Bobo was sentenced to twenty years in jail for stealing a bicycle (it was the bicycle of the sentencing judge). Bobo is always trying to escape in various ways, usually by digging, and thus make his way to the beaches of Acapulco. Other major characters are the prison's manager who is fond of pies and cookies; the prison bully who has it in for Bobo and his various schemes; the Professional, a grumpy old prisoner who insists that everything be done "by the book," his copy of which dates back to before the prison reform movement (at his insistence, the Professional lives in an old dungeon, wears a ball-and-chain, does heavy labor and only eats stale bread and dirty water); and Stonie the warden, who always carries a stone (left over after building the prison), and which he is constantly trying to get rid off, but his colleagues insist that he carries. There is also Julot-les-pinceaux (Julian Brush), Bobo's outside accomplice who is always coming up with various schemes to get his beloved boss out of the nick.


Bobo - PT0001 - Um Saco Em Bolandas.cbr | 87.18 MB | LINK:
Bobo - PT0002 - Comics Magala.cbr | 72.17 MB | LINK:


Bobo - Band 1 - Bobo hebt ab (1989).cbr | 51.0 MB | LINK:
Bobo - Band 2 - Bobo Ahoi! (1990).cbr | 57.2 MB | LINK:
Bobo - Band 3 - Alles im Sack.cbr | 51.9 MB | LINK:


Bobo - T01 - Bobo Prend l'air.cbr | 24 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T02 - Bobo prend la mer.cbr | 17 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T03 - Comics troupier.cbr | 21 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T04 - Un Sac En Cavale.cbr | 17 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T05 - Destination Lune.cbr | 16 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T06 - L'Homme Obus.cbr | 16 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T07 - La Prison Doree.cbr | 18 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T08 - Le volontaire.cbr | 18 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T09 - Le Professionnel.cbr | 18 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T10 - La Carpette Violente.cbr | 18 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T11 - Le retour du greffe.cbr | 21 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T12 - L'Escalade.cbr | 17 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T13 - L Oiseau du Diable Vauvert.cbr | 22 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T14 - Bobo Fait Le Mur.cbr | 21 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T15 - La RanCon De La Gloire.cbr | 17 MB | LINK:
Bobo - T16 - La premiEre pierre.cbr | 14 MB | LINK:
HS - Bobo Printemps.cbz | 2 MB | LINK:


  1. Please, show the links to read Bobo in frech (7 volumes in français?) Merci....

    1. There you go up there, Bobo French version. You welcome. Merci :)

    2. Thank you very much for the effort!!!

  2. obrigado, baixei o 2 em PT. Thanks!!!

  3. Last FRA link, HS, requires a permission for Google Drive access.

  4. HS, last FRA link fixed.
