Sunday, April 24, 2016

Halloween Lullaby

Betsy Mahorn, the young actress blocked Creeper Creek after a car accident, attends horrified the macabre events that shake the city to the eve of Halloween: atrocious murders were committed and make reappear in memory of a people terrible history that many would have wanted to forget forever, but also own ghosts Betsy. Scénario: Joël Callède | Design: Denys (Denys Quistrebert).
Betsy Mahorn is a Hollywood actress who finally lands a role in an interesting movie. But a car accident forces her to stay in Creeper Creek, a small town in the Rockies. Her arrival coincides with horrific murders and makes her an ideal suspect for the police. Meanwhile, the children are getting ready for the macabre holiday of Halloween. Halloween Lullaby.


Halloween Lullaby T01 - Reminiscences [2000] [L169-DBT].cbr | 60 MB | LINK:
Halloween Lullaby T02 - Devil's Playground [2001] [L169-DBT].cbr | 48 MB | LINK:
Halloween Lullaby T03 - Revelations [2002] [L169-DBT].cbr | 51 MB | LINK:


Comptine d'Halloween V1 #1 (of 3) (2000).pdf | 26 MB | LINK:
Comptine d'Halloween V2 #2 (of 3) (2001).pdf | 23 MB | LINK:
Comptine d'Halloween V3 #3 (of 3) (2002).pdf | 24 MB | LINK:

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