The Sisters is a series of comics created by William, co-written by Christopher Cazenove and published by Bamboo Edition, which tells the story of two sisters, Wendy (the eldest ) and Marine (the younger). They are not angels and spend most of their time fighting. William depicts two daughters Wendy (15 years but true 11 years in the comics) and Marine (11 years 6 years but true in the comics). The friends of Wendy are Sammie, Audrey, Emma and Mégane (called Meg). Navy girlfriends are Nathalie (called Nat) and Louise (called Loulou).
William begins by presenting his idea on the forum Baywin by posting boards featuring his two daughters. Pleasantly surprised by the reception he created the blog Un Air De Famille (UADF), which is developing the project that will become the Sisters. He signed in 2007 with Bamboo editions for the publication of the series. William and Cazenove have released new comic in the series Les Sisters.
Sisters 01 - A Family Resemblance (2015) (Comrade).cbr | 45.58 MB | LINK: Sisters - Sibling Revelry (2014) (Alice).cbz | 22,86 MB | LINK:
The Sisters - The Sorority Rapport (2013) (Alice).cbz | 25,96 MB | LINK:
The Sisters 06 - Hurricane Maureen (2020) (jv-DCP).cbr | 174.14 MB | LINK:
Sisters 008 - Anything to Make Her Happy! (2015) (Bamboo).cbz | 20.29 MB | LINK:
Sisters (Les) - T01 - Un air de famille.cbr | 19.7 MB | LINK: (Les) - T02 - A la mode de chez nous.cbr | 22.6 MB | LINK:
Sisters (Les) - T03 - C'est elle qu'a commence.cbr | 51.1 MB | LINK:
Sisters (Les) - T04 - Cest nikol creme !.cbr | 29.9 MB | LINK:
Please, reupload last three english versions.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot.
Hi. Last three links fixed.
ReplyDeleteThe theSisters - Sibling Revelry
ReplyDeleteThe Sisters - The Sorority Rapport
the two links are not working could you reload them; Please and thanks
Ok the two links above fixed now.
ReplyDeleteAll english links are dead.