The Cosmonauts of the future is a series of cartoon comedy, scripted by Lewis Trondheim and illustrated by Emmanuel Larcenet . The color development is carried out by Brigitte Findakly . Albums are published at Dargaud in the collection Poisson Pilote.
Two children, a girl named Martina and a boy named Gildas, are persuaded to live in a world full of robots and aliens of all kinds. In both (along with Gaëlle, the little sister a little naive Gildas) they will try to uncover the mysterious conspiracy that hovers over the Earth. The 6 June 2008, Emmanuel Larcenet launches on YouTube that looks like an excerpt from a pilot episode of an adaptation of the comic cartoon . Since then, the video has been withdrawn and no new project, called "Mainframe" , was issued one. Scenario : Lewis Trondheim. Drawing : Emmanuel Larcenet.
Cosmonauts of the Future (2016) (Europe Comics) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 41.69MB | LINK: of the Future 02 - The Comeback (2018) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 60.12MB | LINK:
Cosmonauts of the Future 03 - Resurrection (2018) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 56.94MB | LINK:
Les cosmonautes du futur - 01.cbz | 15 MB | LINK: cosmonautes du futur - 02 - Le Retour.cbz | 15 MB | LINK:
Les cosmonautes du futur - 03 - Résurrection.cbz | 15 MB | LINK:
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