1946: The War Begins! Iron Divisions mecha is a new warrior alternate history series featuring mecha giant Panzers. How the appearance of a new technology in 1944 will turn the tide of World War II and lead the Germans to victory. "Red Commando" is set to the opening of the album "Iron Divisions." On the eastern front, the last pockets of resistance to the Red Army fall one after the other. To save Moscow, General Zhukov meets the Red Commando. Bundled up in their armored and mechanized armor, the greatest heroes of the Red Army will participate in an operation last chance: to seize the best Nazi Mekapanzer and turn it against the German army. But in the Red Commando Zhukov commits perhaps a mistake by including Nia, the fiery idealist driver and a political fanatic Komissar brutal command. They will have to learn to fight side by side or to die! A comic by Jean-Luc Sala and Ronan Toulhoat.
With an exciting technology, Wehrmacht changed the course of the war. With huge mobile fortresses, Mékapanzers she is about to crush the Red Army. Already, the Soviet government in exile in Moscow and Alaska is threatened. To stop the offensive, it remains a last resort: form a commando in charge of seizing the Wilhelm Gustloff Mekapanzer, the largest and most powerful of the terrible Nazi gear. We have to find not only talented fighters, but also willing to give their lives to the country in a suicide operation, what the zealous political commissar Kirijin intends to ensure. Ronan Toulhoat seemed to take distance with the alternate history and World War II. Obviously he has cracked and seems to be very happy. Indeed, it is in their heart's content, enjoying the many fight sequences to play all his knowledge of the movement.
The Iron Divisions 01 - Red Commando (2014) (Scanlation) (phillywilly & Chevalley).cbr | 69 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5rLThe Iron Divisions 02 - Pacific Invasion (2015) (Scanlation) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 80 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5yx
The Iron Divisions 03 - Operation Rebalance (2015) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr | 65 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5iX
Iron Squad - Red Commando 1 (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 36.94 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mvjL
Iron Squad - Red Commando 02 (of 2) (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 35.97 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mbtn
Iron Squad 03 - Pacific Invasion 01 (of 2) (2015) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 39.20MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mnkB
Iron Squad 04 - Pacific Invasion 02 (of 2) (2015) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 38.55MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mbDj
Iron Squad 005 - Operation Rebalance 01 (of 2) (2015) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 38.09 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mnXY
Iron Squad 006 - Operation Rebalance 02 (of 02) (2015) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 38.72MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3mn0x
Les Divisions de Fer - Tome 1 - Commando Rouge.cbr | 68.3 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5z6Les Divisions de Fer - Tome 2 - Pacific Invasion 1948.cbr | 80.7 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5mq
Les Divisions de Fer - Tome 3 - Operation Rebalance.cbr | 75.2 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/KV5RW
Amazing content, thanks so much! Any hope to find the similiar "Uber" (Über) comic here anytime soon? The first series contains 30 issues and the second is now up to volume 14
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