Sunday, May 19, 2019

Lost Captain

After adapting the novels of Jean Raspail (Seven Horsemen), it is in one of his travel books that Jacques Terpant learns the existence, on the banks of the Mississippi, of Saint-Ange, the last of the French captains who had to hand over to the English the keys of all America. In two volumes and in direct colors he creates a fresco of this ignored epic, which marked the end of the first colonial empire. Created by Terpant, Jacques.


Lost Captain Chapter 1 (2015) (Juron Vranooki & Wladaob & Sosich).cbr | 74.17MB | LINK:
Lost Captain Chapter 2 (2016) (Juron Vranooki & Wladaob & Sosich).cbr | 59.35MB | LINK:


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