Wednesday, May 15, 2019


446, Christian Era, a Pelagian monastery in the British archipelago, sees the arrival of Germain, a powerful bishop from Rome to verify that the monastic rules are well respected. During the excavations of the rooms, the monk Ninian will be eliminated from the theft of a manuscript prohibited by the dogma, referring to the stone of Fal. According to legends, the latter is the center of the universe, brought by the gods long ago, it is the key that leads an artefact offering its possessor full powers. This stone will be the object of all covetousness. Ninian manages to escape, but the emissary Germain discovers the existence of this stone and seeks to obtain it, with the aim of countering the Breton alliances. It is a war of power, but also a diplomatic one that will play out.


Stonehenge T1 Erin (2015) (Sosich & Jon Snow).cbr | 56.01MB | LINK:
Stonehenge v2 Vortimer (2017) (Sosich).cbr | 62.88MB | LINK:


  1. Hi , I have been loving your painstaking work since the day I discovered your blog. Thats not long ago and I am yet to fully explore this wonderful treasury of European Comics.
    Thank you so much for what you are doing so beautifully and over such a long period of time. Thats really awesome.
    One request Here.
    I was reading Dylan Dog recently and It really made me a Fan of itself. Its a fantastic strip. As far my search reach goes I can only find the first four issues in English, all in unofficial Scanslations. Thats okay for me btw.
    Can you upload a blog spot dedicating to this Comic? Its Italian and hugely popular there, You must have adequately acquainted with It already.
    Please upload more of the series if possible . Theres literally hundreds of entries on this series. Many of them have been translated by Dark Horse .
    I will be forever indebted If you do this.
    Thanks again.

  2. Oh ,Just found the thread . Any more Dylan Dog in English?

    Continue to amaze us like this.
