Saturday, July 6, 2019


The future. All trace of technology seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth. Two armies face each other at the ancient village of La Cadiere d'Azur. In his command tent, an elderly but charismatic man talks with his advisors. Hostile to any form of progress, the man they all call the "Patriarch" is about to launch his attack to destroy the "machine" designed by his opponent. Because he remembers ... 100 years ago, in 2052, François Deschamps is just a simple student at the Graduate School of Agricultural Chemistry in Paris. Betrothed to the young and beautiful Blanche, everything seems to be going well in his life. The world is ruled by a powerful technology. Until everything stops. Until the disaster...


Ravage V01 (of 03) (2016) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr | 96.43 MB | LINK:
Ravage V02 (of 03) (2017) (Scanlation) (phillywilly).cbr | 102.03MB | LINK: