Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Winter 1709

Hunger strikes at the gates of the kingdom of France, cold and death rule. A man challenges them. While the last war of Louis XIV drags on, France must survive the Great Winter that hits it. The frost kills, the famine threatens. The grain nourishing peoples and armies becomes more precious and coveted than gold. Braving the deadly cold and the bad matches, the adventurer Loys Rohan launches in a race against the clock to prevent the enemy from seizing a cargo of providential wheat for the Kingdom. The confrontation promises without mercy ... 
For the holidays, find in full the first cycle of the series of Nathalie Sergeef and Philippe Xavier, between History, adventure and narration of capes and swords.


Winter 1709 v1 (2015) (Juron Vranooki & Sosich).cbr | 64.69MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/c06KLKX
Winter 1709 v2 (2016) (Juron Vranooki & Sosich).cbr | 76.52MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/f2k5Gp


  1. Hello, dear admin.

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    Thank you in advance!
