XIII (Thirteen) is a Belgian graphic novel series about an amnesiac who seeks to discover his past. It was created by writer Jean Van Hamme and artist William Vance. XIII was released in 1984 as a serial in the popular Spirou magazine, and it was popular among Spirou readers. The first three episodes were released as a single hardcover volume by Dargaud the same year. XIII was originally written in French, and it was translated into several languages, including Dutch, German, Polish, Tamil, Serbo-Croatian, and Italian.
Jean Van Hamme has declared that he will not continue to write the series, but William Vance is interested in continuing it with another writer. Yves Sente, who had already taken over writing Thorgal from Van Hamme, was interested to continue the series. He was contacted by William Vance and said he'd propose a story to Van Hamme, but no agreement has been reached yet. Ever since October 2008, Sente has authored volume 20 of the comic series (Mayflower Day), published in late 2011, alongside Youri Jigounov.
XIII - EN0001 - The Day of the Black Sun.cbr | 20.36 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/q1sKT8
XIII - EN0002 - Where the Indian Walks.cbr | 22.20 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/XcopZJ
XIII - EN0003 - All the Tears of Hell.cbr | 38.03 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/NAH3AE
XIII - EN0004 - SPADS.cbr | 13.29 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/DSqj84o
XIII - EN0005 - Red Alert.cbr | 12.98 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/2x2wlu
XIII - EN0006 - The Jason Fly File.cbr | 13.27 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/jxZyi3E
XIII - EN0007 - The Night of August 3rd.cbr | 13.07 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/1ura1s3
XIII - EN0008 - Thirteen Against One.cbr | 9.39 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/f23z5S
XIII - EN0009 - For Maria.cbr | 11.98 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/b4X6UH
XIII - EN0010 - El Cascador.cbr | 21.52 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/X6s2sG
XIII - EN0011 - Three Silver Watches.cbr | 18.42 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/CNuCfm
XIII - EN0012 - The Verdict.cbr | 23.61 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/yyCnwB6
XIII - EN0013 - The XIII Mystery, The_Inquiry.cbr | 21.91 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/kKX6Qk
XIII 013 - Top Secret (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr | 27.69MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/hGUMb9
XIII 013 - Top Secret (2012) (digital-Empire).cbr | 27.69MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/hGUMb9
XIII - EN0015 - Unleash the Dogs_.cbr | 17.92 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/MYEK9EQ
XIII - EN0016 - Operation Montecristo.cbr | 27.58 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/IETzh7
XIII - EN0017 - Maximilians Gold.cbr | 24.73 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/Htq3wW
XIII 017 - The Irish Version (2013) (digital-Empire).cbr | 25.36MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/4tyIf6
XIII 18 - The Irish Tale (Dragonz C&T).cbr | 25.19MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/2QFbMx
XIII 18 - The Irish Tale (Dragonz C&T).cbr | 25.19MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/2QFbMx
XIII 19 - The Last Round (Dragonz C&T).cbr | 28.02MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/cwQDQq7
XIII 019 - The Day of the Mayflower (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 28.55MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/sr3oxw
XIII 020 - The Bait (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 29.93MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/NxU7Sn
XIII 21 - Return to Green Falls (2016) (Digital) (Cinebook).cbr | 65.25MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/c0IVG0
XIII 22 - The Martyr's Message.cbr | 64MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/H64X5J
XIII 023 - Jason McLane's Inheritance (2018) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 40.79MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/3LCN2A0
XIII 019 - The Day of the Mayflower (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 28.55MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/sr3oxw
XIII 020 - The Bait (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 29.93MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/NxU7Sn
XIII 21 - Return to Green Falls (2016) (Digital) (Cinebook).cbr | 65.25MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/c0IVG0
XIII 22 - The Martyr's Message.cbr | 64MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/H64X5J
XIII 023 - Jason McLane's Inheritance (2018) (Cinebook) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 40.79MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/3LCN2A0
XIII 25- History-English-Ajuinjesus-FINAL.cbz | 156.76MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/TZ837o
XIII 25 - Reloaded Memory (Cinebook 2023) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 35.32 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/AwheeqQ
XIII Mystery 001 - The Mongoose (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 31.05 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/0QSB2ocXIII Mystery 002 - Irina (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 26.60MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/xguJPW
XIII Mystery 003 - Little Jones (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 32.31 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/5JAtCe
XIII Mystery 004 - Colonel Amos (2015) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 31.35 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/b0ZHC98
XIII Mystery 05 - Steve Rowland (Europe Comics 2019) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 43.82 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/OjOkzC
XIII Mystery 06 - Billy Stockton (Europe Comics 2019) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 48.82 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/jpbOxw
XIII Mystery 07 - Betty Barnowsky (Europe Comics 2019) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 45.97 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/YAoGXD
XIII Mystery 08 - Martha Shoebridge (Europe Comics 2020) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 40.83 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/KmyJDMM
XIII Mystery 009 - Felicity Brown (2020) (digital) (Mr Norrell-Empire).cbr | 65.97 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/0Er80y
XIII Mystery 10 - Calvin Wax (Europe Comics 2020) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 49.08 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/Pszv30
XIII Mystery 11 - Jonathan Fly (Europe Comics 2020) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 45.96 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/owCJPS
XIII Mystery 012 - Alan Smith (2021) (digital) (Mr Norrell-Empire).cbr | 94.43 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/YgBjI6
XIII Mystery 13 - Judith Warner (Europe Comics 2021) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 45.43 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/hWolebT
XIII - FR0016 - Operation Montecristo.pdf | 14.68 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k2l
XIII - FR0018 - La Version Irlandaise.cbr | 11.59 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k3q
XIII - FR0019 - Le Dernier Round.cbr | 11.93 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k3P
XIII Mystery - FR0001 - La Mangoust.cbr | 30.21 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k4j
XIII Mystery - FR0002 - Irina.cbr | 13.86 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k4J
XIII Mystery - FR0003 - Little Jones.cbr | 53.62 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9k5g
XIII Mystery - T04 - Colonel Amos.pdf | 52.8 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC3w
XIII Mystery - T05 - Steve Rowland (uncompleted).cbz | 41.8 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC6y
XIII Mystery - T06 - Billy Stockton.pdf | 56.0 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC9z
XIII Mystery - Tome 7 - Betty Barnowski.cbr | 93.6 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrYX3
XIII Mystery - 08 - Martha Shoebridge.cbr | 28.46 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0qWr
XIII Mystery - T09 - Felicity Brown.pdf | 30 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrYWi
XIII Mystery (2016) - Tome 10 : Calvin Wax.cbz | 123 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/HF1mhc
XIII Mystery - T04 - Colonel Amos.pdf | 52.8 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC3w
XIII Mystery - T05 - Steve Rowland (uncompleted).cbz | 41.8 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC6y
XIII Mystery - T06 - Billy Stockton.pdf | 56.0 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/TxC9z
XIII Mystery - Tome 7 - Betty Barnowski.cbr | 93.6 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrYX3
XIII Mystery - 08 - Martha Shoebridge.cbr | 28.46 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0qWr
XIII Mystery - T09 - Felicity Brown.pdf | 30 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrYWi
XIII Mystery (2016) - Tome 10 : Calvin Wax.cbz | 123 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/HF1mhc
XIII T22 Retour à Greenfalls.cbz | 19MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/smqJME
XIII 23 - Le Message du martyr.cbr | 35.21 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/DTNnY
XIII - Tome 24 - L'héritage de Jason Mac Lane.cbr | 103 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/DTBKv
XIII Mystery - Band 6 - Billy Stockton.cbr | 127MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrY1S
XIII - Hinterhalt und Gefühle.cbr | 109 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q00bT
XIII 23 - Le Message du martyr.cbr | 35.21 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/DTNnY
XIII - Tome 24 - L'héritage de Jason Mac Lane.cbr | 103 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/DTBKv
XIII Mystery - Band 5 - Steve Rowland.cbr | 120MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrYMiXIII Mystery - Band 6 - Billy Stockton.cbr | 127MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nrY1S
XIII - Hinterhalt und Gefühle.cbr | 109 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q00bT
XIII - ESP0020 - El Día del Mayflower.rar | 68.5MB | LINK: http://sh.st/b9lTY
XIII - 21 El Cebo.cbr | 128 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m98vT
XIII Mystery 01-05 Norma Ed.rar | 422.01 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m9893
XIII 01-20.rar | 554.52 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m99aZ
XIII - 21 El Cebo.cbr | 128 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m98vT
XIII Mystery 01-05 Norma Ed.rar | 422.01 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m9893
XIII 01-20.rar | 554.52 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/m99aZ
Will you be updating the english XIII comics?
ReplyDeleteXIII Eng (official & un-official)last release is still in title no.20 (The Bait). As soon as they come out, we'll updating the lists. Cheers :)
DeleteThanks a lot for these. Super appreciated!
Hi. Sorry to interrupt but it appears Volume 16 (Operation Montecristo)'s link is a broken one. Could you update it if you find the convenience, please?
ReplyDeleteHi,thx fyi,the link re-up now :)
Deletehai sir THANKU I want XIII MYSTRY 5 6 7 8 9 IN ENGLISH
ReplyDeleteXIII Mystery #5-9 ENG, they're not released yet. When it comes, we'll update the list, ASAP, please be patient, cheers.
DeleteCan you check the file XIII Mystery - T09 - Felicity Brown.pdf
ReplyDeleteI got a message saying that the file was removed by the owner
Thank you very much
Hi. Thx FYI. The link fixed now :)
DeleteHi. Please if you CAN put a link for the 17th in french: l'hor de Maximilien. Merci
ReplyDeletethx bro . can u upload tex willer books in english
ReplyDeletehi could you upload Return to Green Falls please ?
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for uploading the comics, but you guys missed Issue #21 "The Martyr's Message" in English could you upload it? thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteHi. The Martyr's Message actually #22 and exist on above list. Pls re-check it out :)
DeleteHi, do you have link to XIII Mystery 11 Jonathan Fly ? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi, do we have Eng version volume 21 - RETURN TO GREEN FALLS?
ReplyDeleteHello there, thanks for all the issues uploaded here
ReplyDeleteBut could you please upload the English XIII MYSTERY 5 steve rowland please?
The "XIII 019" is unavailable. Can you pls check? Thanks a lot
ReplyDeletePlease post all Mystery series in english
ReplyDeleteDo we have good cbr/cbz of T20 and T24? I found some version elsewhere but it are either bad scans or incomplete ones with pages missing. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteFrench ones more specifically, pushed to quickly the publish button :D
DeleteXIII 019 - The Day of the Mayflower (2014) (Cinebook) (digital) (Lynx-Empire).cbr | 28.55MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nRzXR
ReplyDeleteThe file associated with this link isn't available.
Please fix this.
Thank you!
Hi. The link fixed :)
ReplyDeleteFrench version of XIII Tome 22 Retour à Greenfalls.rar is indicated as Not found (404).
Can you fix this ?
Thank you !
New issue coming out this august. Hopefully we'll get it soon on here.
Hi Admin
ReplyDeleteEnglish XIII Mystery 001 - The Mongoose (2014),
XIII Mystery 002 - Irina (2014)
XIII Mystery 003 - Little Jones (2014)
XIII Mystery 004 - Colonel Amos (2015)
These links dont work. please re-up. Thanks
All XIII Mystery links fixed.
ReplyDeleteplease, don't put the files on filefactory.
ReplyDeletethat link is sucks!!
better put files on mediafire, that link is superb!
This entry: "XIII 018 - The Last Round (2013) (digital-Empire).cbr"
ReplyDeletelinks to a direct download of this: "XIII 18 - The Irish Tale (Dragonz C&T).cbr"
Above XIII The Last Round link fixed.
ReplyDeleteXIII Mystery 002 - Irina (2014) points to a link that doesn't exist.
Can this be fixed?
XIII Mystery 002 - Irina link fixed.
ReplyDeleteXIII Mystery 002 Irina is fixed.
Many thanks.
The links are no longer working. When will you fix them?