Saturday, October 8, 2022

Megalex (repost)

Megalex city is an industrial perfection. It has spread almost all over the planet, destroying everything that is natural, random, abnormal. Megalex works correctly, with the perfection of the artificial. Police are cloned so that they are all the same, perfect, and can fight for Megalex during his four days of life. This is a happy world, as would Aldous Huxley. There are still some pockets of Nature, primarily Forest Chem, a conscious jungle trying to sabotage the unstoppable advance of Megalex, while waiting to Geomesías. In this world must survive a police clone cloned defectively the size of a giant. Only the love they feel Zerain and Kavatah can end this spiral of hatred and destruction. Created by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Fred Beltran.

On Megalex, a gigantic planet-industrial city, every nature is banished. It Man and woman reproduces by cloning itself, people are preprogrammed from birth until death, regimented in classes with unequal privileges. The most spectacular life. The police only has live in 400 days, for citezen they are 40 years, but for the queen 4000 years. Everything would be fine in the Brave New World if only a few remaining ‘anomalies’: a forest irreducible and aggressive, rebels buried and, from time to time, there always a malfunction in the system.


Megalex Vol. 1- The Anomaly (digital) (FatNerd).cbz | 141.05 MB | LINK:
Megalex Vol. 2- The Humpbacked Angel (digital) (FatNerd).cbz | 184.89 MB | LINK:
Megalex 03 - The Heart of Kavatah (2008) (Dragonz).cbr | 66.83MB | LINK:


Megalex 1 - L'anomalie.cbz  | 9.6MB | LINK:
Megalex 2 - L'Ange bossu.cbr | 57.2 MB | LINK:
Megalex 3 - Le cœur de Kavatah.cbr | 177.4 MB | LINK:


  1. Megalex 3 any chance for another service than sendspace?

  2. Thank for the great content!
    FYI Megalex 3 FRA is down, if you get the chance to reupload it, that would be greatly appreciated? Any chance for T1 FRA? SOrry I feel like asking too much. ;-)

  3. All FRA links updated.
