In a world where humans have to live with the living dead, a new job opportunity is born: zombie catcher. Karl Neard, his sister Maggie and his Belgian friend Freddy Merckx embrace this career in hopes of making easy money. Unfortunately, the job isn’t that simple: not only are zombies dead bodies walking, but they also have a terrible scent and an awful sense of humor. As a matter of fact, zombies just don’t care about anything, since their lives are behind them and they have an eternity to enjoy. Karl and his team end up attracting all sorts of freaks in 2064 Los Angeles.
The Zombies that Ate the World v1 - An Unbearable Smell ! (2011) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 93.82 MB | LINK:
The Zombies that Ate the World v2 - In the name of love (2011) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 86.73 MB | LINK:
The Zombies that Ate the World v3 - Pop Pop is missing (2012) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 83.15 MB | LINK:
The Zombies that Ate the World v4 - The Pope War (2012) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 81.43 MB | LINK:
The Zombies that Ate the World v5 - Houston, we have a problem (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 66.41 MB | LINK:
The Zombies that Ate the World v6 - X-tinction to the z-end (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 67.4 MB | LINK:
Les Zombies Qui Ont Mangé Le Monde - Tome 1 - Une Odeur Épouvantable.cbr | 22 MB | LINK:
Les Zombies Qui Ont Mangé le Monde - Tome 2 - Les Esclaves de L'amour.cbr | 19 MB | LINK:
Les Zombies Qui Ont Mangé le Monde - Tome 3 - Popypop ne Répond Plus.cbr | 23.4 MB | LINK:
Les Zombies Qui Ont Mangé Le Monde - Tome 4 - La Guerre Des Papes.cbr | 30.8 MB | LINK:
Any chance to contact an admin directly?
ReplyDeleteWhere is nro 6 ?
ReplyDeleteNo link....?
Vol.6 link added.