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Friday, October 4, 2019

The March of the Crabs

For centuries, the square crab has only been able to move side-to-side in one direction. But some brave crabs decide it's time for revolution! A few of the brave crustaceans in an estuary on the French coastline decide it's time to try and actually turn for once, but what does their evolution revolution mean for the human race? Created by Arthur de Pins.


The March of the Crabs v1 - The Crabby Condition (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 60.81 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/rdSVffM
The March of the Crabs v02 - The Empire of the Crabs (2017) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 85.47MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/3P9WSxm
March of the Crabs 03 (2018) (Archaia) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 86.45 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/fhE4bnj


Anonymous said...

The March of the Crabs v1 link is not working, can you please fix it, Thanks.

admin said...

Vol.01 link fixed.