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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Non Album Collections 215

East-West (2018)

Script by Pierre Christin - Art by Philippe Aymond. Prolific comic book author Pierre Christin, who penned the game-changing classic sci-fi series “Valerian and Laureline,” switches to autobiography here to bring us the thoughtful, enlightening tale of two vastly different lands, the American West during the civil rights movement and the counter-culture phenomenon, and the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, as seen through the eyes of an inquisitive French artist and journalist with a love for travel, intellectual query, gypsies, and jazz. Christin and his faithful road companion and “Valerian” co-creator Jean-Claude Mézières drive across landscapes ranging from Utah to Bulgaria in a series of cars each more dilapidated than the next, encountering people and adventures of all kinds in a story that is part travel journal, part geo-political documentary, and part artistic coming-of-age.

Double 7 (2018)

Script by Yann - Art by André Juillard. The Spanish Civil War attracted involvement from a wide variety of governments, individuals and political factions, with Italians, Germans, and North Africans helping Franco and his supporters, and the Soviet Union, Mexico, and international brigades aiding the Republicans. Dusting off a little‐known and often forgotten chapter of history, the authors take us back to this remarkable and terrible period of war as only they can, with a tale full of scheming intrigues. The world they uncover is one of no‐holds‐barred plotting to obtain victory at whatever the cost. And in the midst of the backstabbings and despair, one young Russian pilot falls in love with a feisty Spanish freedomfighter. In the hope it will outlast the bitter conflict engulfing them all.

The Song of Aglaia (2018)

The Song Of Aglaia Hardcover – July 3, 2018. Aglaia is a simple sea nymph. One day, a Merman seduces Aglaia, forever altering her life's course. She is cast out of Oceanid by her chauvinistic father, forcing her to wander many days and nights, until one day she finds herself at the benefit of one Mr. Author : Anne Simon.


East-West (2018) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 154.79 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/w66txr
Double 7 (2018) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 112.81 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/w66tU0
The Song of Aglaia (2018) (digital-Empire).cbz | 125.52 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/w66ujE


Anonymous said...

Looks like the links are all broken. Any chance you can upload them?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, they seemed to be working now. Please ignore, and thanks a lot for this wonder site.