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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Non Album Collections 234

Zaroff (2019)

Script by Sylvain Runberg, François Miville-Deschênes - Art by François Miville-Deschênes. 1937: An island somewhere in the middle of the ocean, which Count Zaroff has chosen as his new hunting ground. He’s tired of hunting the usual game — animals are far too easy to kill. He has set himself the supreme challenge: a prey that is both dangerous and unpredictable, in fact the only prey worth hunting — people. But when the Count brings down a Mafia boss, the “family” lands on the island looking for revenge. Suddenly, the roles are reversed and the Count finds himself being hunted. To make matters worse, the Mafiosi have kidnapped the Count’s sister and her children and brought them to the island. If Zaroff doesn’t find them soon, they’ll all be killed. And he’ll be next.

Bilal's Monster (2019)

In 2026, humanity is spurred onward to destruction by radical fundamentalists – and Nike, Amir, and Leyla, three remarkable Yugoslav orphans, must join hands to survive a world that seems determined to wipe out thought, science, culture and memory.

Dead and Unburied 01 - Zombie at Large (Europe Comics 2019)

Yan is on top of the world. School's almost out for summer, he's about to have a new baby sister, and he's going to be spending his vacation making a zombie movie with his best friend Nico. But on his way home from school, he finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, and before he knows it, his life is slipping away... Things are no longer smelling rosy now that Yan's pushing up daisies. But for some reason, Yan's soul isn't going anywhere: his body may be rotting, but his mind is clear, and once out of his grave, Yan is determined to be reunited with his family. He may be falling apart, but he isn't about to let that happen to them!


Zaroff (2019) (Europe Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 157.42 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/e0XhZf
Bilal's Monster (2019) (Titan Comics) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 912.63 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/e0Xh21
Dead and Unburied 01 - Zombie at Large (Europe Comics 2019) (webrip) (MagicMan-DCP).cbr | 33.5 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/e0X8O0


Anonymous said...

Sir, can't really download anything from FileFactory. Could you use another filehosting service? That would be really appreciated.

If I can start a download from FF, it always stops in the middle of the downloa, no matter the size of the file, or it just says that the servers are too overloaded.
It's a shame.


Anonymous said...

Could you maybe upload Sky Doll?