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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Lou Cale (repost)

New York in the 1940s on the crime scenes, flashlights crackle to feed the press eager to shock images that make his A. Lou Cale is one of those press photographers in bad reputation. But the hunter image turns into sleuth when a detail that no one had seen him put on a track to solve the case. A comic by Eric Warnauts and Raives.


Lou Cale v1 - The Broken Doll (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 89.61 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/q7NrVXt
Lou Cale v2 - The Scalped Cadaver (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 91.79 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/paZAd7
Lou Cale v3 - Siamese Pearls (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 85.69 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/p7h4uv
Lou Cale v4 - Strange Fruit (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 81.24 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/1W2hqjn
Lou Cale v5 - The Centaur Tattoo (2015) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr | 85.61 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/LVplVNJ


Lou Cale T01.cbz | 51,88 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3BJQS
Lou Cale T02.cbz | 101,52 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/3BJ2V


Anonymous said...

The choice of your hosts makes this webpage unusable.
So long!

mike said...

It's hard not to agree... There are many free and fast sites that enable simlutanous downloads - mediafire, mega, zippyshare. Why do you insist on using the very worst ones?

Anonymous said...

These Lou Cale books are great! Thanks!