Mirror blog :

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Tuesday, March 10, 2020


The Powers were the first to populate the Earth. When men appeared, they aroused passion and division among them. All Powers then chose to take physical form: Dragons, Giants, Angels, Sirens, and Fairies. Then came the time of fighting, of internal wars... A thousand years have passed, and the Sons of the Earth have finally founded the greatest of all Kingdoms. For them, the Powers are only legends... But a new age is coming; is it the end or the beginning of servitude? written by Fabrice David, drawn and colored by Éric Bourgier.


Servitude 01 - The Song of Anorœr (2019) (Soleil) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 150.12 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/1vo79w
Servitude 02 - Drekkars (2019) (Soleil) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 112.20 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/DxGLgj


Servitude 1 (2006, Soleil Productions).cbr | 38 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/q5a336
Servitude 2 (2008, Soleil Productions).cbr | 33 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/3Lydbm
Servitude 3 (2011, Soleil Productions).cbz | 46 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/3KBmPq
Servitude 4 (2014, Soleil Productions).cbz | 77 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/IfBQ80L
Servitude 5 (2017, Soleil Productions).cbz | 57 MB | LINK: https://ouo.io/WTd2aw


Roland said...

Servitude is apparently a great heroîc-fantasy series, according to the information available. However the volumes lested on this site are definitely quite incomplete. This series by FabriceFdavid was originally issued in French and contains already 6 issues. I am not sure how many have already been translated in English.

Can you post the French issues and/or more of the english issues, please?
I would appreciate.
Thanks in advance

admin said...

FRA links added.

Roland said...


You are a real "wizzard" in tracking/providing high-quality comics on this site.
I had been searching for quite some time to find issues in the French version, but without any result. And you were able to unearth them just a few days after my request. Amazing!
Congratulations (and my deepest appreciation). I would really be happy to find out which hidden sources enable you to unearth these comic "jewels"..

pizza pazza said...

thanks, can you repost the links? it seems that nothing works.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone renew the links? And what about issue six? Was it ever translated?