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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Non Album Collections 283

Paper Peril (2019)

by Jean-Baptiste Bourgois (Author). In Paper Peril, our protagonist braves a whimsical world of sinuous shapes and scribbly ink lines in his quest to become an artist. Drawing inspiration from classic illustrators like R.O. Blechman, Saul Steinberg, Sir Quentin Blake, Tove Jansson, and Tomi Ungerer, cartoonist Jean-Baptiste Bourgois explores the exhilaration and chaos of the creative process. A lovingly crafted ode to the pitfalls of artistic expression. Black & white illustrations.

The House (2019)

by Paco Roca (Author). The graphic novel The House is at once deeply personal (dedicated to Roca’s own deceased father) and entirely universal. Three adult siblings return to their family’s vacation home a year after their father’s death. They each bring their respective wives, husbands, and children with the intention to clean up the residence and put it on the market. But, as garbage is hauled off and dust is wiped away, decades-old resentments quickly fill the vacant home. Roca asks what happens to brothers and sisters when the only person holding the family together is now gone. 

The Ladies in Waiting (2017)

by Javier Olivares (Author), Santiago Garcia (Artist). In 1656, Diego Velázquez, leading figure in the Spanish Golden Age of painting, created one of the most enigmatic works in the history of art: Las Meninas (The Ladies-in-Waiting). This graphic novel, written and drawn by two of Spain’s most sophisticated comics creators, examines its legacy as one of the first paintings to explore the relationship among the viewer, reality, and unreality. (It guest stars Cano, Salvador Dalí, Zurbarán, and many others.) Olivares’s art moves from clear line to expressionistic; from pen nib to brush stokes; from one color palette to another, as The Ladies-in-Waiting uses fiction to explore the ties among artists and patrons, the past and the present, institutions and audiences, creators and creativity.


Paper Peril (2019) (digital-Empire).cbz | 35.24 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/et39K7
The House (2019) (digital-Empire).cbz | 175.07 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/et394B
The Ladies in Waiting (2017) (digital-Empire).cbz | 150.45 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/et40rO

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