2070, On assignment for the European Navy, Dakota goes to destroy a gigantic iceberg which is floating into one of the most important sea routes. Dakota discovers that there is a mysterious box in the ice. The contents of the box are so extraordinary and shocking that the supreme command declares it a state secret.
Since the death of her daughter due to the radioactivity of a satellite debris fell to Earth, ND, a flying ace, dedicates his life to rid the space of dangerous wrecks. Due to global warming, it is also requisitioned to destroy icebergs drifting on the sea routes. During one of his missions, it updates a metal cylinder. The examination of the object leads the staff to file the defense secret deal. This comic is created in 2007 by Scenario: Daniel Pecqueur and Drawing: Bojan Kovacevic.
Arctica #1 - Ten Thousand Years Under the Ice (2007) (Dragonz-Alice).cbz | 59,01 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1qk
Arctica #2 - The Secret of the Deep (F) (2008) (Dragonz-Alice).cbz | 41,85 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1wd
Arctica #3 - The Prehistoric Passenger (F) (2009) (Dragonz-Alice).cbz | 35,36 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1w7
Arctica #4 - Revelations (2010) (Alice).cbz | 35,38 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1eI
Arctica #5 - Destination Earth (2013) (Alice).cbz | 41,02 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1rC
Arctica #6 - The Fugitives (2014) (Morot) (Alice).cbz | 60,37 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1tW
Arctica #7 - The Cosmic Messenger (2015) (Scanlation).cbr | 71.29 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyltG
Arctica #8 - Ultimatum (En) (2016) (Scanlation).cbr | 71.29 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/qg2vBz
Arctica 09 - Black Commando (2019) (Delcourt) (Digital-Empire).cbr | 114.18 MB | LINK: http://gestyy.com/w9earG
Arctica #2 - The Secret of the Deep (F) (2008) (Dragonz-Alice).cbz | 41,85 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1wd
Arctica #3 - The Prehistoric Passenger (F) (2009) (Dragonz-Alice).cbz | 35,36 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1w7
Arctica #4 - Revelations (2010) (Alice).cbz | 35,38 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1eI
Arctica #5 - Destination Earth (2013) (Alice).cbz | 41,02 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1rC
Arctica #6 - The Fugitives (2014) (Morot) (Alice).cbz | 60,37 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nw1tW
Arctica #7 - The Cosmic Messenger (2015) (Scanlation).cbr | 71.29 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyltG
Arctica #8 - Ultimatum (En) (2016) (Scanlation).cbr | 71.29 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/qg2vBz

Arctica - 01 - Dix mille ans sous les glaces.cbr | 19.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/neLhA
Arctica - 02 - Mystere sous la mer.cbr | 18.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/neLlE
Arctica - 03 - Le passager de la prehistoire.cbr | 39.7MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyuzm
Arctica - 04 - Revelations.cbr | 42.4MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyuci
Arctica - 05 - Destination Terre.cbr | 59.4MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyubK
Arctica - 06 - Les fugutifs.cbr | 59.2MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyunK
Arctica - 07 - Le messager du cosmos.cbr | 151.54 MB | LINK: http://viid.me/9XL5i
Arctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part1.rar | 402 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aRO
Arctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part2.rar | 402 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aI5
Arctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part3.rar | 268.11 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aF0
Arctica (Tomo 7): El mensajero del cosmos.cbr | 76.07 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0sfe
Arctica - 02 - Mystere sous la mer.cbr | 18.8MB | LINK: http://sh.st/neLlE
Arctica - 03 - Le passager de la prehistoire.cbr | 39.7MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyuzm
Arctica - 04 - Revelations.cbr | 42.4MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyuci
Arctica - 05 - Destination Terre.cbr | 59.4MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyubK
Arctica - 06 - Les fugutifs.cbr | 59.2MB | LINK: http://sh.st/nyunK
Arctica - 07 - Le messager du cosmos.cbr | 151.54 MB | LINK: http://viid.me/9XL5i
Arctica - Band 6 - Auf Der Flucht.cbr | 102 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0cIeArctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part1.rar | 402 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aRO
Arctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part2.rar | 402 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aI5
Arctica.1-6.German.Comics.Cbr.part3.rar | 268.11 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0aF0
Arctica-01-06.rar | 211.38 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0sQXArctica (Tomo 7): El mensajero del cosmos.cbr | 76.07 MB | LINK: http://sh.st/Q0sfe
Number 8 has just come out
Hello, any idea when #8 will be available in English and the total number of Arctica albums? -Many thanks for this wonderful service!
Hi,all. Thx fyi. We'll update asap when they release. Meanwhile refer to this info: http://www.bedetheque.com/serie-16729-BD-Arctica.html
Hello. #5 in french is damaged and has only about 10 pages. Can pls fix it? Thanks
#6 in french is also damaged
I've also tried several times to download #5 and #6 in French. Both of them are damaged badly while extracting with 7-zip. Please kindly reup them
Merci beaucoup
Looking forward to album #9
Hello, it's been a while since #8 came out. Any hopes for #9 (or #10...) in English? Many Thanks!
English Album 5 is missing
When will number 9 be available here? It's been a loooong time since #8!-Thanks!
Arctica #1 - Ten Thousand Years Under the Ice (2007) link dead
Hi. The link fixed.
Hi. 5th link fixed.
Arctica #2 - The Secret of the Deep (F) (2008 LINK DEAD
Hi. The link fixed.
Arctica #7 FRA is off...
Michel Vaillant 3. Beyond Control LINK DEAD
Arctica - 07 - Le messager du cosmos fr Link dead
Arctica #8 link is dead. Can you please fix it?
Thank you.
Arctica #8 link fixed.
Amazing series, thanks a lot!
Vol.1,2,5,6,8 in English are not working any more
And any chance to get Vol. 10 soon?
All links fixed.
Hello there! Links for eng vol 3 and 4 are down, can you please fix it ? Thank you!
Links for eng vol 3 and 4 now fixed.
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